Jeg er kommet et par uger bag ud med mit PL. Jeg har lavet uge 19 med, men mangler så uge 20 og 21. Det gør ikke noget, jeg skal nok nå det. Jeg har skrevet lidt noter ned om hvad der skete i ugerne - så jeg er helt rolig. :)
I'm a bit behind with my Project Life pages - but that's okay. I still need to work on week 20 and 21. I've made som notes in my calender from those weeks - so it's easy for me to go back and get the pages done. :)
Her er uge 18 - Here's week 18.
Venstre side: Ungerne begyndte i skole igen efter lock-outen - dejlig!! Hyacinterne stod i fuldt flor og de duftede så skønt. L begyndte på "vi cykler til arbejde" - på trods af vi bor ca. 45 km fra hans arbejdsplads - men han cykler alligevel - han elsker det - så det bliver til nogle kilometer om ugen. Jeg var i Føtex og fandt denne cola med L's navn på ... jeg måtte bare købe den til ham. :)
Left page: The kids went back to school after 4 weeks of lock-out! All schools in the whole country went through a lock-out. The garden begins to bloom and it has such a nice smell, my DH took part in a campaign "use your bike when you go to work" - we live 45 kilometres from his work - so he has a long way both back and forth. I went out for some groceries and found a cola with DH's name on it :)
Jeg har brugt et kort fra Clementine Edition samt en journalingtag fra gemmerne.
I've used a card from the Clementine Edition and have used a journling card from my stash.
Højre side: Ældste søn sidder i solen, vi havde sådan en dejlig eftermiddag med god snak og kold cola. L og jeg var i Planteland for at finde et træ til vores udendørs fuglebur. Danmarks Befrielse blev fejret. Blå himmel og flot blomstrene forsythia. Der blev slået græs for første gang i år og yngste søn hjalp med at hugge en masse brænde.
Right page: Oldest son and I had such a nice conversation on the terrace, the sun was out and we had a cold coca cola zero. We bought a tree for our birds (an outdoor cage). We celebrated Denmark's liberation. We had a very nice blue sky and a beautiful yellow tree. DH mowed the lawn for the first time this year and youngest son helped with the woodcutting.
The stamp I've used on this card "just a little randomness" is from Studio Calico. I really LOVE my PL kits from Studio Calico. So useable. I love to mix it with my Clementine Edition. :)
Thank you for stopping by. As always I'm linking up with The Mom Creative- PL Tuesday.!
A day late, but that's okay. :) :)
torsdag den 30. maj 2013
tirsdag den 14. maj 2013
PL week 17
Venstre side: Jeg forspirede solsikker og købte lidt sommerblomster, som jeg lod stå i udestuen, da nattefrosten stadig var der. Ungerne fik nye sko. Vi fandt en lille sød fugl, som desværre ikke havde det godt. Jeg fotograferede de fine blå blomster, som kommer frem hvert forår i et hjørne af haven og vi var hos mine forældre for at hygge og spise.
Left page: I bought some flowers for the terrace, but I didn't put them outside as we still had freezing temperatures during the nights. The kids got new shoes. We got a nice visit from af little bird, which unfortunately died - I think it was sick. We went to my parents house for some cozy-time and dinner.
Datokortet med fine prikker. De Thickers jeg har brugt er SÅ flotte synes jeg! Det ligner de er blevet syet.
Stjernen er Studio Calico stickers.
The titlecard has lovely dots on it. I love dots!! The Thickers I have used looks like they are stitched. The star is from Studio Calico.
Skønne tulipaner til mine forældre. Jeg har brugt en helt almindelig manila-tag til at skrive teksten på - synes de fungerer godt i PL. Den fine lyserøde "boble" er en candy button fra BG.
Lovely tulips for my parents. The journalingtag is a plain manila tag. I love using those in my PL. The pink dot is a candy button from BG.
Højre side: L er blevet bidt af en gal cykelrytter. Han cykler og cykler og cykler! Og det måtte selvfølgelig dokumenteres i PL. Midterrækken af billeder viser mand og børn med Burger King hatte på. :) Vi spiste en hurtig aftensmad der, inden en biograftur. Billederne i nederste højre hjørne viser udsigten fra vores baghave - det er skønt at det hele bliver så grønt nu! :)
Right page: My DH has almost become obscessed with riding his bike. He's using it all the time and of course it has to have a spot in my PL. :) The photos in the middle row is my DH and sons with Burger King hats. :) We ate a quick dinner before watching "Oblivion". Great movie! The photos in the lower right corner is taken from our backyard. That's what we see from there. A lovely view. :)
Biografbilletter / movietickets.
Youngest son and his Burger King hat. :) The "love this" is a stamp I've used. It came with one of my PL kit goodies from Studio Calico and so didt the camera-card - which I absolutely LOVE! :)
As always I'm linking up with The Mom Creative - PL Tuesday. Go and check it out - you'll find lots of great ideas for PL. :)
Thank you for visiting and leaving me such nice comments. :)
Left page: I bought some flowers for the terrace, but I didn't put them outside as we still had freezing temperatures during the nights. The kids got new shoes. We got a nice visit from af little bird, which unfortunately died - I think it was sick. We went to my parents house for some cozy-time and dinner.
Datokortet med fine prikker. De Thickers jeg har brugt er SÅ flotte synes jeg! Det ligner de er blevet syet.
Stjernen er Studio Calico stickers.
The titlecard has lovely dots on it. I love dots!! The Thickers I have used looks like they are stitched. The star is from Studio Calico.
Skønne tulipaner til mine forældre. Jeg har brugt en helt almindelig manila-tag til at skrive teksten på - synes de fungerer godt i PL. Den fine lyserøde "boble" er en candy button fra BG.
Lovely tulips for my parents. The journalingtag is a plain manila tag. I love using those in my PL. The pink dot is a candy button from BG.
Højre side: L er blevet bidt af en gal cykelrytter. Han cykler og cykler og cykler! Og det måtte selvfølgelig dokumenteres i PL. Midterrækken af billeder viser mand og børn med Burger King hatte på. :) Vi spiste en hurtig aftensmad der, inden en biograftur. Billederne i nederste højre hjørne viser udsigten fra vores baghave - det er skønt at det hele bliver så grønt nu! :)
Right page: My DH has almost become obscessed with riding his bike. He's using it all the time and of course it has to have a spot in my PL. :) The photos in the middle row is my DH and sons with Burger King hats. :) We ate a quick dinner before watching "Oblivion". Great movie! The photos in the lower right corner is taken from our backyard. That's what we see from there. A lovely view. :)
Biografbilletter / movietickets.
Youngest son and his Burger King hat. :) The "love this" is a stamp I've used. It came with one of my PL kit goodies from Studio Calico and so didt the camera-card - which I absolutely LOVE! :)
As always I'm linking up with The Mom Creative - PL Tuesday. Go and check it out - you'll find lots of great ideas for PL. :)
Thank you for visiting and leaving me such nice comments. :)
tirsdag den 7. maj 2013
PL week 16 + 2 inserts.
I uge 16 skulle L og jeg have været på en kæreste-tur til Rom i 3 dage, men vi kom ikke derned. For at gøre en lang historie kort, jaså tog vi fejl af nogle datoer og flyet som vi skulle med - ja det fløj DAGEN FØR vi stod i lufthavnen. ØV MAND! Vi valgte så at tage til Malmø en enkelt dag - for at komme lidt væk. Og det var også hyggeligt. .... Det skal også lige nævnes, at vi har booket en ny tur til Rom senere på måneden og datoerne er HELT KORREKTE :) :)
Week 16. This week my DH and I were supposed to visit Rome in Italy for 3 days. We had some misunderstandings and we didn't go as the plane we were supposed to go with flew the day before we met up in the airport. Uhhggg - such a shame! Then we went to Malmø, Sweden instead for one day and had some alonetime there. We have booked a new visit in Rome later this month. :)
Venstre side:
Datokortet er fra Becky Higgins childhood mini kit "Wellington". Jeg har skrevet om den rejse vi ikke kom på. Ungerne kunne være udenfor i t-shirts og shorts, vi "druknede vores rejsesorger" i en ordentlig omgang pizza fra Domino's. L skiftede til sommerdæk.
Left page:
The datecard is Becky Higgins childhood mini kit "Wellington". I've written the story about the trip to Rome with we did NOT have (what a bummer). The kids were outside in only t-shirts and shorts. We had a lot of pizza's from Domino's. My DH changed the tires.
I love this card!! It's from Studio Calico PL kit. The arrow is washi tape.
Indstik nr. 1 forside:
Her er der en masse billeder fra vores endagstur til Malmø. Vejret var rigtig fint. Vi kunne sidde udendørs og spise frokost. Dejligt :)
Insert #1 front:
Here's a lot of photos from Malmø, Sweden. The weather was great. We could sit outside eating lunch.
The black card in buttom row, is a card from SC PL kit. It's some yummy stuff! :)
Indstik nr. 1 bagside:
Flere billeder fra Malmø, hovedsageligt af Turning Torso, som jeg er ret imponeret af.
Insert #1 back:
More photos from Malmø. The big buiding is called Turning Torso and has room for a lot of appartments and offices. An impressive building, I think. :)
Indstik nr. 2 forside:
Her er Optimist Orkestret. Et fint orkester lavet i bronze.
Insert #2, front:
This is the Optimistic Orchetra. It's made of bronze.
Indstik nr. 2 bagsiden:
Her er et par billeder fra turen hjem. Det var en dejlig dag i Malmø.
Insert # 2 back:
Photos from our trip back home from Malmø. It was such a good day!
Til slut højre side:
De 3 billeder af drengene er fjollebilleder. De sidder med slik-gebis i munden og laver sjov. Emil var til fest igen, igen. Jeg bagte osteboller. Vi var i haveland og købe lidt ind. Vi fik lækre chokolademandler af min bror og svigerinde og vi var i haven.
And finally right page:
The 3 photos in the upper left corner are my boys having fun with some candy, which looked like teeth. Oldest son was to a party again, I baked some very good bread with cheese in it. We went to buy some flowers and bushes for the garden and we worked in the garden almost all Saturday.
I've mainly used goodies from Studio Calico PL kit and Clementine Core kit. I've used some different washi tape, and tiny alphas. ... and that was week 16!
I'm linking up with The Mom Creative - PL Tuesday. Go and check it out. There's a lot of great PL inspiration!!
Week 16. This week my DH and I were supposed to visit Rome in Italy for 3 days. We had some misunderstandings and we didn't go as the plane we were supposed to go with flew the day before we met up in the airport. Uhhggg - such a shame! Then we went to Malmø, Sweden instead for one day and had some alonetime there. We have booked a new visit in Rome later this month. :)
Venstre side:
Datokortet er fra Becky Higgins childhood mini kit "Wellington". Jeg har skrevet om den rejse vi ikke kom på. Ungerne kunne være udenfor i t-shirts og shorts, vi "druknede vores rejsesorger" i en ordentlig omgang pizza fra Domino's. L skiftede til sommerdæk.
Left page:
The datecard is Becky Higgins childhood mini kit "Wellington". I've written the story about the trip to Rome with we did NOT have (what a bummer). The kids were outside in only t-shirts and shorts. We had a lot of pizza's from Domino's. My DH changed the tires.
I love this card!! It's from Studio Calico PL kit. The arrow is washi tape.
Indstik nr. 1 forside:
Her er der en masse billeder fra vores endagstur til Malmø. Vejret var rigtig fint. Vi kunne sidde udendørs og spise frokost. Dejligt :)
Insert #1 front:
Here's a lot of photos from Malmø, Sweden. The weather was great. We could sit outside eating lunch.
The black card in buttom row, is a card from SC PL kit. It's some yummy stuff! :)
Indstik nr. 1 bagside:
Flere billeder fra Malmø, hovedsageligt af Turning Torso, som jeg er ret imponeret af.
Insert #1 back:
More photos from Malmø. The big buiding is called Turning Torso and has room for a lot of appartments and offices. An impressive building, I think. :)
Indstik nr. 2 forside:
Her er Optimist Orkestret. Et fint orkester lavet i bronze.
Insert #2, front:
This is the Optimistic Orchetra. It's made of bronze.
Indstik nr. 2 bagsiden:
Her er et par billeder fra turen hjem. Det var en dejlig dag i Malmø.
Insert # 2 back:
Photos from our trip back home from Malmø. It was such a good day!
Til slut højre side:
De 3 billeder af drengene er fjollebilleder. De sidder med slik-gebis i munden og laver sjov. Emil var til fest igen, igen. Jeg bagte osteboller. Vi var i haveland og købe lidt ind. Vi fik lækre chokolademandler af min bror og svigerinde og vi var i haven.
And finally right page:
The 3 photos in the upper left corner are my boys having fun with some candy, which looked like teeth. Oldest son was to a party again, I baked some very good bread with cheese in it. We went to buy some flowers and bushes for the garden and we worked in the garden almost all Saturday.
I've mainly used goodies from Studio Calico PL kit and Clementine Core kit. I've used some different washi tape, and tiny alphas. ... and that was week 16!
I'm linking up with The Mom Creative - PL Tuesday. Go and check it out. There's a lot of great PL inspiration!!
torsdag den 2. maj 2013
PL week 15
I uge 15 skete der ikke det store. Venstre side fortæller om mandag til fredag og højre side handler om weekenden.
Week 15 was a quiet one here. The left page document Monday to Friday and the right page document the weekend.
Venstre side: Øverst et billede fra min arbejdsplads. I teksten fortæller jeg lidt om det frustrerende i at blive færre mennesker, få nedlagt stillinger når kollegaer siger op og hvor hurtigt vi så skal rende, da opgaverne bliver flere og flere. ..... Jeg fik knipset et par billeder af drengene, som endelig kunne hoppe i trampolin igen.Og ældste søn var hos tandlægen.
Left page: The photo in the top right corner is from my work. The journaling is about the frustrations we have in the office as we get more and more things to do, but we also become fewer collegues. The photos in the middle are of my boys using the trampoline in the garden and last photo is taken when my oldest son went to a dentist appointment.
I just LOVE this card! It's from one of the Studio Calico PL kits. The Monday-Sunday is a stamp I've used, also from that kit. :)
Højre side: Weekenden bestod af besøg af veninden og hendes kæreste samt pasning af min bror's børn med overnatning. En rigtig hyggelig weekend!! Kortet med teksten "life is so good" er fra Kimberly Kalil ( - hun laver nogle fede freebies. Der er mange billeder på denne side og jeg valgte at bruge et kort fra Clementine Core kit til at skrive teksten til hvert billede.
Right page: The weekend was a cosy one. My best friend and her boyfriend came to a visit. And we had my brother's kids over for some fun and they stayed over night. Loved it! :) The "life is so good" card is from Kimberly kalil - I love her freebies. So useable. I've used a card from the Clementine core kit for the journaling.
Tak for du kigger forbi og tak for dine kommentarer. :)
Thank you for visiting and thank you for your nice comments. :)
Week 15 was a quiet one here. The left page document Monday to Friday and the right page document the weekend.
Venstre side: Øverst et billede fra min arbejdsplads. I teksten fortæller jeg lidt om det frustrerende i at blive færre mennesker, få nedlagt stillinger når kollegaer siger op og hvor hurtigt vi så skal rende, da opgaverne bliver flere og flere. ..... Jeg fik knipset et par billeder af drengene, som endelig kunne hoppe i trampolin igen.Og ældste søn var hos tandlægen.
Left page: The photo in the top right corner is from my work. The journaling is about the frustrations we have in the office as we get more and more things to do, but we also become fewer collegues. The photos in the middle are of my boys using the trampoline in the garden and last photo is taken when my oldest son went to a dentist appointment.

I just LOVE this card! It's from one of the Studio Calico PL kits. The Monday-Sunday is a stamp I've used, also from that kit. :)
Højre side: Weekenden bestod af besøg af veninden og hendes kæreste samt pasning af min bror's børn med overnatning. En rigtig hyggelig weekend!! Kortet med teksten "life is so good" er fra Kimberly Kalil ( - hun laver nogle fede freebies. Der er mange billeder på denne side og jeg valgte at bruge et kort fra Clementine Core kit til at skrive teksten til hvert billede.
Right page: The weekend was a cosy one. My best friend and her boyfriend came to a visit. And we had my brother's kids over for some fun and they stayed over night. Loved it! :) The "life is so good" card is from Kimberly kalil - I love her freebies. So useable. I've used a card from the Clementine core kit for the journaling.
Tak for du kigger forbi og tak for dine kommentarer. :)
Thank you for visiting and thank you for your nice comments. :)
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